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15 With Jazz

Instagram JazzBaduwalia

When did you realize you wanted to become an actor?

I realized I wanted to become an actor by the age of 13. Because of my favorite tv show called” Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”. 


What was the 1st audition you landed?

The first big audition I landed was “Teen #3” in Days of our Lives”. 


When did you find out you got the role of Ravi and how did it feel?

I found out I got the role of Ravi, on July 25th, 2018. The day literally changed my life. I was on a plane ride back from LA and had a layover in Phoenix. When I got the call from my agent saying that I Booked it. My heart dropped and it just felt like the biggest blessing ever. 


How does it feel being the 1st person of Indian descent to be a Power Ranger?

I honestly feel so humbled and blessed, being the first Indian Ranger. Especially inspiring the youth of Indian kids and showing them that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. 


Do you feel any pressure for being the face of Indian representation in Hollywood as a major superhero aka Power Ranger? 

I felt pressure at first. But everyone was so welcoming and thankful that someone from an Indian Decent is taking over an amazing character. 


Now being solidified in history with your own action figure, how does it feel to have so many people play with you lol?

Having my own action figure has gotta be like the coolest thing ever!!! Seeing my toy in stores and seeing all the fans playing with it and tagging me is so so DOPE!!! Honestly a Dream come True. 


Your Instagram currently stands at 91k followers that see you as a sex symbol/superhero, how does that feel to be labeled a sexy ranger?

Hahahaha I mean, all I can say is thank you very much and I love you all. 


Being a person of color, do you think it’s harder to find auditions from major studios that would fully represent your culture in a mainstream light?

I do think it’s definitely more challenging. But Hollywood is becoming so diverse now, that it’s opening more opportunities for us. Which I’m very happy about. 


Do you have any secret talent(s) that we should know about?

Umm at the top of my head, all I can think of is, I can make a water drip sound, with my mouth. And I am tri-lingual. 


What advice would you give your younger self trying to break into the entertainment business?

Never give up and always do what makes you happy. You are worth it and hard work always pays off.


What’s your main goal to break being in the entertainment industry?

That someone of color can always be the Leading Man. 


Who is the one person, past or present that you would want to work with?

Will Smith and Leonardo DiCaprio 100%. 


Who or what inspired you to become an actor?

Will Smith


What has been the most challenging thing about being cast as a Power Ranger?

That only thing that was challenging, was uprooting our life and moving across the country. But we were very lucky to have such an amazing Crew.


What’s the one thing you would want to be remembered for when you leave this earth?

I want to leave a mark. I want to be remembered as someone who never gave up on his dreams and someone who always gave back. 

Also, Someone who opened up more pathways for People of color. 



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